Capital Raising
African Lion Gold plc
High-grade gold opportunity in mineral rich region

Investment Highlights
Company Overview
Transaction Overview
Transaction Summary

Oscar Resources Limited
Raising £3M
Via Converttible Loan Notes
Investment Highlights
Mining Contractor Engaged
Mining Concession granted for 25 years with 25 year option
Gold Mineralisation from Surface
Committed to Sustainable ESG
Company Overview
African Lion Gold plc (ALG) is an exploration and mining company focused on gold and associated precious metal discoveries in Mozambique.
Mozambique is politically stable with a multi-party democracy and has resilient GDP growth. It is one of the most under-explored countries in the world and in the past 5 years, major discoveries include the largest graphite deposit, the largest ruby deposit and the second-largest gas deposit in the world, with a recent surge in significant gold projects.
The Mozambique government is committed to foreign investment in mining with attractive project tenure and a mining-friendly operating environment. ALG has established strong relationships among local governments and communities.
Highly experienced team with a wide range of skills in project acquisitions, exploration, mining and in-country operations, as well as project development from conceptual stages to operations

Maiden Mineral Resources expected in the second half of 2022 and ALG plans to list after completion of the Maiden Mineral Resource.
Initial exploration has uncovered high-grade gold zones surrounded by a wide lower-grade halo with mineralisation from surface.
ALG defined an Exploration Target of 220,540 to 1,369,600 oz Gold on only 3 of the 20 Prospect Areas with substantial Blue-Sky potential on the additional 17 Prospect Areas.
First Feasibility Study to be completed by 2024 with the goal to produce a Multi-Million Ounce Resource.

Chifunde Project at a Glance
Access 60 km from Kamudzu International Airport, Lilongwe and 220 km from Chingozi International Airport, Tete
Size 170 km2 (17, 000 ha)
Ownership 80% ALG; 20% Mozambique Partner
Status Mining Concession granted 14 September 2021
Work Completed Geophysics; 7, 190m of Diamond and RC Drilling; Soil Sampling Program; CPR completed by SRK 2022
Exploration Target 220,540 – 1,369,600 oz Gold
Positive Drill Results High-grade intersections of 5.00 – 38.00 g/t Au and wide lower-grade halo.
Deposit Type Shears in Thermal Aureole Gold (TAG) Setting
Transaction Overview
ALG offers a Pre-IPO Convertible Loan Note with full upside potential and limited downside risk, with a 10% coupon and additional warrants
Pre Placement
Shares Outstanding – 72,522,317
Options / Warants Outstanding – 0
Debt Outstanding – £711,237
Valuation – £10,153,124
Convertible Note Offering
Convertible Note – Lesser of 25% Discount at IPO or £0.14
Interest – 10% per annum
Warrants – 1 per share converted @ £0.14 (strike price of £0.21 per share)

Use of funds

Raising & Marketing
Listing Costs
Corporate & Admin
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