Capital Raising


Filamon Limited

Preventing the switch of cancer from a generally well-controlled disease into a poorly-controlled disease









Investment Highlights

Company Overview

Transaction Overview

Additional Information



Transaction Summary
Filamon Limited

Raising A$3M

A$0.22 per share

Pre-Money Valuation of A$15M

Investment Highlights

World-First Opportunity blocks three cancer functions that can switch to aggressive, treatment-resistant states

Two clinic-ready drug candidates: One completed Phase 1 study, One is already approved for another application and is to be repurposed for cancer. A third is currently undergoing advanced pre-clinical studies

Potential to transform the management of cancer, boosting survival outlook for hundreds of thousands of patients

Company Overview

Offer Closed Thursday 6 April 2023

Developing ground-breaking drug technologies

Ground floor investment opportunity

Board and Management with decades of corporate, drug development & clinical trialling experience

Compelling value propostiton

Potential to change the way cancer diagnoses are managed

Filamon is solving one of medicine’s greatest challenges – blocking the progression of cancer from a non-aggressive disease into an aggressive disease responsible for approximately 1 in 6 deaths.

Filamon’s world-first treatments can block three cell functions (recently identified by medical research) that switch cancers into an aggressive, treatment-resistant state. Filamon is developing three known drug molecules with the potential to block these functions.

Two of these drugs are clinic-ready: one has already completed a Phase 1 study in prostate cancer patients.

The other, in partnership with Henry Ford Health, a premier academic medical centre in Detroit, Michigan, USA, is a previously widely-used approved drug now repurposed for this specific anti-cancer purpose.

Filamon’s technologies could transform the management of cancer, boost the survival outlooks for hundreds of thousands of patients each year, and deliver very considerable returns on investment.

Key Opportunities for MBC

Filamon’s board and management team have decades of experience in biotechnology, fundraising and drug development.

Executive Chair and Interim CEO Dr Graham Kelly’s knowledge and networks can deliver the funds to develop life-saving medicines, combined with his corporate governance experience.

Backing our confidence are partnerships with eminent U.S. and Australian research institutions.

Initial opportunity to target prostate cancer management

For the proof-of-concept, Filamon is focusing on prostate cancers, a major and lucrative market opportunity responsible for an estimated 300,000 deaths each year.

Filamon is addressing one of medicine’s long-held ambitions: to see cancer become a manageable chronic disease like rheumatoid arthritis or heart disease.

Filamon’s three drug technologies have the ability to deliver on this ambition and are intended for use on a broad range of cancers, an enormous market opportunity.

Filamon stands apart from other drug companies

We are focused on a particular point in the cancer disease process where the cancer cells unpredictably transform, changing from a controllable slow-growing state, into an aggressive state prone to metastasise (spread).

They then respond poorly to most current standard treatments – which for most patients, ultimately proves fatal.

Research shows two primary functions drive this switch. Until now, there were no known drugs that target these two functions. Today, Filamon has assembled two drug candidates that target both functions.

Transaction Overview

Filamon is seeking to raise up to A$3M on a pre-money valuation of A$15M

New Shares (pari passu with existing shares) are being issued at A$0.22

New Shares will account for 16.7% of the post-money issued capital

Use of funds




Working Capital


Transaction Costs

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