Capital Raising
Health Fitness Technology
Health, Technology
Company Overview
This complete fitness ecosystem centres on a unique internationally recognized training method developed by Dr Phil Maffetone, a leading US medical professional. The Company has created an ecosystem of proprietary services and products to help users gain the most out of the MAF Method:
Health and Fitness App
Complete heart-based training program Supplements
Heart Rate Monitor: HR+ (HR monitoring headphones)
Fat Burning Metabolic Reader
This globally recognised training method is used by leading athletes all around the world and for the first time is being offered to the general public though this full suite of Fitness services.
Existing Traction
Already has significant traction across its channels:
79,200 Sessions per month
38,783 Newsletter Subscribers
27,748 App Downloads
Sold 1500 HR + ear based HR monitors in Australia – commencing overseas sales
400 supplement customers in US – commencing international sales
NDA and commercial discussions with multi-billion market cap supplier of gym equipment to provide a method to its 5 mill networked users.