Capital Raising



Cloud-based pharmacy technology Information Tech



Company Overview

Transaction Summary

Company Overview

The Company is a cloud-based pharmacy workflow tool that provides patient medication management via patient profiling to support medication supply and compliance, integrating with leading dispense software and providing an end-to-end Dose Administration Aid solution.

The Company consolidates a number of services onto a single platform, offering an integrated pharmacy solution to solve the problems associated with the existing, industry-wide, disparate systems.

With the recent release (Oct 31st) of the government Electronic prescribing v2 initiative, The Company’s mandate is to improve patient health outcomes through their technology by making it easier to connect patient, pharmacists and doctors in a seamless digital experience.

Key Features include:

Prescription Sync Adherence, an early warning and referral system focussed on whole of patient care.

A system designed with patients and pharmacies in mind which removes barriers for patients.

Designed for the future demands of patients: Analytics to predict patient demands, thus improving inventory        management, forecasting and cashflow management of pharmacies.

Closing the loop and improving relationships across the network (Specialist to Pharmacy).

Market Size:

Total Addressable Market Global – $125B

Serviceable Market – $2.5B

Transactional Revenue – $500M – $125B