July 18, 2019

By -

Jamie Green

Imagine Intelligent Materials will be holding showcase events in Melbourne and Sydney over the next few weeks for potential investors and partners.

At the event we will be showing what we believe is a major breakthrough in smart surface technology – the Imagine Smart Floor.

Our smart floor represents the combination of two revolutionary components: the smart graphene coatings we manufacture at our plant in Geelong together with the revolutionary signals processing and data analytics developed by the Imagine team in Finland. 

I believe that what we have developed will be the beginning of what makes Imagine a very valuable company. So if you can make it, please do, and ideally bring a friend too! We need to spread the word…

The first event will take place next Thursday at 5.30pm at Melbourne Design Factory in Hawthorn (on the Swinburne University campus). The second will be in Sydney the following week.

If you would like to attend the Melbourne even on Thursday 25th, please RSVP at this eventbrite link.

If you would like to attend the Sydney event, please respond to this email to register your interest and be contacted once the venue is finalised.

For further information, please respond to chris.gilbey@imgne.com. We fit only a small number of people into each venue so if you are interested please contact us asap.

Chris Gilbey – Executive Chairman & CEO