August 6, 2018

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Jamie Green

With over 200 well connected, experienced investors in attendance from the start of the Expo at 8:30 am to the close of proceedings at 4:45 pm, the audience took great delight in learning about the Keiretsu global successes and connections.

Victor Dominello

The Hon. NSW Finance Minister

An excellent speaker lineup headlined by Finance Minister and former Innovation Minister for New South Wales highlighted the favorable regulatory climate in Australia for Blockchain technology and ICOs.

“We were so excited and honored to launch Keiretsu Forum Australasia in Sydney last Thursday.

The value proposition of having Randy, Adam and Bill gracing our shores with their presence, enthusiasm and friendship was clearly evidenced by 8 members joining/paying on the day with 20+ other expressions of interest already to join in coming days. This is even before we have done any follow up whatsoever.

Our presenting companies were blown away with the depth of enquiry and dialogue from all in the room.

The Keiretsu Connect platform is an asset of global significance and will propel the success for all involved.

Linqto was presented to our Expo by Bill and was adopted readily and successfully by all concerned.

The Keiretsu Forum motto of “Great Association with Quality Deal Flow” proved to us in Australasia, as the newest chapter, exactly what it means and we will now work to deliver this promise to our members.”

Gavin Solomon, Keiretsu Forum Australasia

“Keiretsu Forum Australasia launched to much success by applying the ‘tried and true’ formula of Keiretsu Forum Expos globally and adding the professionalism and pulling power of Randy, Adam, Bill and Japan and Seoul Chapter Presidents – Jun, Louis and Namho. These elements brought great credibility and a track record of success to the event which ensured that it was a lot more than a ‘typical’ investor conference held in Australia.A ‘game changer’ for the Australasian investment community. Now the real fun begins as we organise our first forums!”

Nick Capp, Keiretsu Forum Australasia