PrimaryMarkets Limited (PrimaryMarkets) is delighted to announce that it has entered into a Strategic Alliance with Succession Plus Pty Ltd (Succession Plus).

Under the Strategic Alliance, PrimaryMarkets and Succession Plus will, on a non-exclusive basis, work together to support and develop each other’s business: 

  • Succession Plus introducing to PrimaryMarkets new business opportunities including secondary equity sales opportunities, new capital raisings, M&A and ECM transactions ; and
  • PrimaryMarkets introducing to Succession Plus new business opportunities including succession planning, business valuation and employee engagement and share plans.


James Green, CEO of PrimaryMarkets, said:

PrimaryMarkets is delighted to partner with one of Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in providing pro-active, focused and strategic advice for SME owners to manage strategic Business Succession and Exit Planning.

We believe PrimaryMarkets products and services, as well as our 110,000+ global Investor Network, will deliver strong support to clients of Succession Plus.

Craig West, Managing Director of Succession Plus, said:

“Succession Plus is very pleased to strike a strategic alliance with PrimaryMarkets in support of our client companies and employees.PrimaryMarkets’ position as the region’s leading capital raising and secondary trading platform for unlisted companies and vast experience across industries and geographies makes the alliance a great fit.”


About PrimaryMarkets

PrimaryMarkets – The Trading and Investment Platform for Unlisted Securities. PrimaryMarkets provides an end-to-end solution for trading existing securities, raising new capital and full transaction management with seamless execution from trading through to registry. Core Products and Services include:

  • oPrivate Trading Hubs – Trading facility for existing securities in unlisted companies and Funds.
  • oSecondary Trading – Multiple one-off trading opportunities for securityholders in private companies and Funds.
  • oRaising New Capital – Non-exclusive distribution of new raisings by private companies and Funds.
  • oInvestor Centres – Connecting companies and Funds to Investors promoting liquidity and increasing market presence.

About Succession Plus

Succession Plus is Australia’s largest Business Succession and Exit planning consultancy with offices in all capital cities in Australia as well as operations in New Zealand and the UK. Since 2009, we have worked with over 600 businesses, to maximise the value of the business and achieve a successful exit.

Using our proprietary 21 step process we help business owners determine and implement the best strategy – family succession, management buy-out or Employee Share Ownership Plan, Private Equity or trade sale.

Core Products and services include:

Business Valuation and assessment using our Business Insights report.

Employee Share Ownership Plans.

Preparation and sale of mid-market businesses.

Business Succession and Exit planning.

For more information please contact:

James Green


+61 406 429 588

Craig West

Succession Plus +61 418 414766