September 19, 2018

By -

Jamie Green

PrimaryMarkets is proud to announce its partnership with FinTech Australia, the peak body for the Australian financial services, technology and innovation – the FinTech Industry.

PrimaryMarkets as an Industry Partner will support FinTech Australia in its vision to make Australia one of the world’s leading markets for Fintech innovation, adoption and investment.

Australia has one of the world’s most exciting and dynamic fintech industries which is estimated to grow to a A$4B industry by 2020.


PrimaryMarkets are excited to be a Lead Sponsor of Fintech Australia’s Annual FinTech Industry Conference – Intersekt to be held in Docklands, Melbourne from Monday 29th to Wednesday 31st October 2018.

Intersekt will be the largest gathering of Australian FinTech start-ups, scale ups, hubs, accelerators, policymakers, regulators, investors and advisors, devoted to examining, discussing and unlocking the potential of Australia’s FinTech market.

Now in its 3rd year, the conference will take place over three full days of keynote sessions, networking opportunities and social events with a view to exploring what is unique about the Australian FinTech ecosystem, where we lead the world and how to realise this opportunity in a global market.

This conference is a must for those interested in the Australian FinTech industry.

PrimaryMarkets will be presenting at the Conference and our CEO/MD Nick Capp has been invited as a panel member for several sessions. In addition, PrimaryMarkets together with Stone and Chalk will be hosting the drinks evening on 31st October 2018.


Nicholas Capp, MD/CEO of PrimaryMarkets said:

PrimaryMarkets looks forward to supporting FinTech Australia’s activities and efforts over the coming 12 months.We are “true believers” in the Australian FinTech industry and we work closely with numerous companies and investors in this space.

Alan Tsen, Chairman of FinTech Australia said:

FinTech Australia’s goal is to represent its members and advocate for outcomes that make Australia a leading global Fintech market.

We are delighted that PrimaryMarkets have the vision and expertise to support our industry, as well as, take Australian opportunities to the rest of the world.