

Trade shares now a leading digital news company covering the world







Investment Highlights

Digital Media




Company Overview

The world’s leading independent digital media company, which leverages data and innovation to reach hundreds of millions of people globally.

The Company streams popular videos, pictures, movies, games, politics, sports, jokes, food, business, science, and music online, as well as over social and mobile media.

BuzzFeed’s massive cross-platform network includes: BuzzFeed Originals, which creates articles, lists, quizzes, and videos; BuzzFeed Media Brands, which comprises a portfolio of identity-driven lifestyle brands including Nifty, Goodful, As/Is, and Tasty, the world’s largest social food network; BuzzFeed Studios, which produces original content across broadcast, cable, SVOD, film and digital platforms; and BuzzFeed News and HuffPost, which include world-class reporting and investigative journalism.

The company also includes BuzzFeed Commerce, which develops products and experiences, as well as licensing and other strategic partnerships.

BuzzFeed operates a global news organization headquartered in New York and an entertainment studio based in Los Angeles, with global offices in countries around the world.

BuzzFeed’s best work creates authentic audience engagement that fosters real-world impact, like Yanny vs. LaurelTasty, the infamous exploding watermelonaward-winning investigations from BuzzFeed News, and our staple lists and quizzes.


Enterprise Value US$1.71B

Unicorns Companies on the PrimaryMarkets Platform:

USA-based Companies with an estimated market capitalisation in excess of US$1B.

Trading in these securities entails compliance with USA regimes such as FINRA and SEC as well as possible ROFR (Right Of First Refusal) imposed by many Unicorns.

All Traders must be Sophisticated, Professional, Institutional, Accredited Investors.

Minimum trade size US$250,000


  • Management

  • Directors

Jonah Peretti

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

John Johnson


Carole Robinson

Chief Communications Officer

Peter Wang

Chief Technology Officer

Felicia DellaFortuna

Chief Finance Officer

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