November 9, 2020

By -

Jamie Green

PrimaryMarkets provides a global trading platform to buy and sell shares in unlisted companies. Buyers are able to source unique, tightly held investment opportunities and purchase global share investments in a secure, controlled environment.

Our platform also generates liquidity opportunities for members looking to sell their shares in unlisted companies. Typically, individual sellers and unlisted companies utilise PrimaryMarkets as a trusted platform to reach professional, sophisticated/wholesale and institutional buyers as well as global intermediary networks.

The platform now reaches over 110,000 investors globally and A$100M of shares have been traded.

We currently have over 65 companies listed on our Platform from which investors can choose to trade.

Services Offered

  • Secondary Trading – The trading of individual shares in unlisted companies
  • Trading Hubs – A private platform for companies to list their shares to enable liquidity
  • Capital Raising – To facilitate access to funding

Who are our members?

PrimaryMarkets members are Sellers and Buyers.

Typically, Sellers on our platform are part of the top 1,000 unlisted companies, unlisted property funds or real estate investment trusts (REITS), company founders, individual shareholders of unlisted companies, CEOs and Directors.

Buyers are usually wholesale/sophisticated investors, qualified institutional buyers (QIB), accredited investors, professional investors, family offices, private equity and venture capital funds.

The attraction for Buyers to use the PrimaryMarkets platform is the access we provide to hard-to-find, yet attractive unlisted assets. Our platform also gives investors the opportunity to purchase unlisted company shares in specific classes or designated regions.

PrimaryMarkets controls and maintains the integrity of the platform and it’s processes. Our independence and impartiality remain paramount characteristics of the platform and our company.

Since we began, we have create a broad market footprint across geographies in order to provide a central platform of investing opportunities for buyers and sellers.
You can become a member for free and explore investment trading opportunities by clicking here.