September 15, 2023

By -

Jamie Green

The business landscape is undergoing a significant transformation, increasingly shifting towards digitization and internet connectivity. This shift, while facilitating smoother and more efficient operations and customer experiences, has introduced a host of new vulnerabilities and security challenges for businesses and customers. 

The costs of cybersecurity to business are vast and multifaceted.  They encompass not only the financial costs of protection, recovery and operational continuity but also the very real and public costs associated with reputational damage, not to mention legal action and increased regulatory scrutiny and compliance. As cyber threats get more complex and frequent, the toll on business globally is escalating exponentially. 

So, what should investors and companies know about the risks and implications of online security? Here we delve into some of the costs of safeguarding business assets in the digital age.

Financial Implications
To handle cyber threats, companies must invest in the necessary cybersecurity tools. This includes modern security software, hardware and services like firewalls, antivirus programs and encryption tools. Also needed are skilled professionals to manage these systems, all of which add to the substantial cost of doing business in the digital age.

When a security breach occurs, businesses will inevitably incur costs in identifying, containing and resolving the issue. These can include hiring external experts, paying for legal counsel and additional public relations efforts to manage reputation damage. This is not to ignore any financial penalties or direct refunds or payments to affected customers.

Regulation governing data protection is stringent and breaches are likely to result in hefty fines and legal fees associated with litigation and settlements that further strain a company’s finances.

Operational Disruptions
Cyber-attacks can render critical systems inoperable, causing disruptions that can last from several hours to weeks. This downtime translates to a loss of business and productivity, as it impedes the ability to service clients or sell products, resulting in a significant loss of revenue.

Cybercriminals often target a company’s intellectual property, potentially resulting in a loss of competitive advantage and an erosion of market share.

Reputational Damage
Reputation is arguably a business’s most valuable asset. A security breach, especially one involving sensitive customer data, can severely tarnish a company’s image. The resulting loss of trust can have long-term repercussions, including the loss of customers who move to competitors they perceive as more secure.

A cyber-attack can have a lasting negative impact on a brand’s perception and value. Recovery from such damage can be slow and costly, as it involves concerted efforts on a number of fronts to rebuild the brand image and regain customer confidence and trust.

Human Resource Costs
Companies must invest in continuous training programs to educate employees about how to spot and avoid cyber threats to prevent breaches. This includes creating awareness about phishing scams, safe internet practices and data protection protocols.
The variety and level of sophistication of cyber threats have grown the demand for cybersecurity experts who can train staff to be able to identify likely cybersecurity threats before they become a problem. With companies now competing for a limited pool of experts, this further drives up expenses. 

Strategic Costs
Resources allocated to cybersecurity are resources diverted from other profitable activities. The continuous need to update and upgrade security measures can put a strain on a company’s budget and resources, slowing growth and innovation. The ongoing upgrading of systems also stifles innovation as employees and executives are constantly focused on the threat of security breaches.

Businesses should also ensure suppliers and partners adhere to stringent cybersecurity measures, adding another layer of complexity and cost to operations.

The Opportunity and Risks for Investors
Investors need to seriously assess the cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities of the companies in which they invest. If companies with large exposure to downside risks from cybersecurity issues, like banks, telcos and utility companies as an example, who hold lots of sensitive customer information, are not investing sufficiently in precautionary measures and infrastructure, then that is a risk to your investment.

On the flip side, investors should be looking at the emerging leaders in cybersecurity as investment opportunities. The market is seeing a marked increase in the number of cybersecurity focused start-ups and early-stage companies. Whether it is cloud service providers with exceptional security track records or security software providers who are building the first lines of defence for the world’s largest companies. The increasing complexity and importance of cybersecurity offers investors new opportunities for profitable investments.

The Upshot
The potential cost of cybersecurity to businesses is massive, reaching into every aspect of an organisation’s operations. It is a dynamic and relentless expense, escalating alongside the evolving sophistication and ubiquity of cyber threats. 

As businesses continue to embrace the digital revolution, investing in robust cybersecurity measures is no longer optional but a critical imperative. While the investments are large, the cost of ignoring cybersecurity is exponentially higher, potentially threatening the very survival of a business in a digitally interconnected world.

How PrimaryMarkets and the Complii Group are Managing Cyber Risks 

As part of the Complii Group, PrimaryMarkets is constantly taking pre-emptive and precautionary measures to protect clients and customers. As a technology business dealing with customer data, it is vital to ensure that the Complii Group and all its employees always have security at the forefront, while keeping innovation core to what we do. 

Ongoing staff training has been rolled out to help identify weaknesses and improve overall security knowledge for all staff, not just in technical teams. With ongoing training, security features like two-factor authorisation and hardware security protocols in place for things like laptops and phones, the Group is constantly managing risk. 

The Group is independently ISO-certified to meet the most stringent cybersecurity levels for the technology platforms it operates. By maintaining the highest standards, businesses and customers using the Complii Group’s services can be confident their data and security are being protected.PrimaryMarkets and Cybersecurity

PrimaryMarkets provides investors with access to companies that are shaping the future of global industries, standing at the forefront of the cyber security revolution and providing access to opportunities previously only accessible to institutional investors.

PrimaryMarkets exemplifies how innovation can transform the way we invest, trade and raise capital by breaking down traditional barriers, providing liquidity solutions and promoting transparency.

As the Platform continues to grow and evolve, it promises to unlock even more opportunities for investors and companies, shaping the future of finance for the better.