September 1, 2023

By -

Jamie Green

High Purity Quartz (HPQ): has multiple end product applications including memory chips and semiconductors, fibre optics and solar PV cells.

Rare Earth Elements (REEs): A group of 17 elements, including neodymium, dysprosium, and yttrium. They are used in many modern technologies, such as:

  • Neodymium: Used in powerful permanent magnets, which are vital for wind turbine generators and EV motors.
  • Dysprosium: Enhances the performance of neodymium in high-temperature applications.

The significance of these minerals is emphasized by their widespread use in clean energy, military, consumer electronics and transportation technologies. Their supply chain vulnerabilities, coupled with their importance, make them a focal point for resource strategies and government funding in many nations, including Australia.

Supply Chain Vulnerabilities
One of the most pressing concerns about critical minerals is the vulnerability of their supply chains. Often, the global supply of these minerals is geographically concentrated. For example, China dominates the supply of rare earth elements (REEs), which are pivotal in various modern technologies.

Any disruption in these supply chains—be it due to political tensions, trade restrictions, or environmental constraints—can lead to severe repercussions for industries that depend on them. The COVID-19 pandemic further highlighted the fragility of global supply chains, underlining the need for diverse and resilient sources.

Sustainability & Ethics
Extracting critical minerals has significant environmental implications. Mining practices can lead to deforestation, soil erosion and water pollution. Moreover, in some regions, mining is associated with  human rights issues, including child labour and conflict financing. As demand for these critical minerals grows, it is crucial to develop sustainable and ethical mining practices.

The Path Forward
Understanding the importance of critical minerals prompts the need for diversified supply chains, increased recycling efforts and innovative extraction methods. Collaboration between governments, industries and researchers will pave the way for a future where critical minerals support technological advancement without compromising the environment or human rights.

As we transition into a more technologically advanced and eco-conscious era, critical minerals will be at the forefront of this change. Balancing their demand with responsible sourcing will be one of the paramount challenges of the coming decades.

PrimaryMarkets and Critical Minerals

PrimaryMarkets provides investors with access to companies that are shaping the future of global industries, standing at the forefront of the critical mineral revolution and providing access to opportunities previously only accessible to institutional investors.

PrimaryMarkets has raised capital for companies at the leading edge of the development of some of these critical minerals including  Lava Blue Limited (high-purity alumina) and High Purity Quartz Ltd.

 PrimaryMarkets exemplifies how innovation can transform the way we invest, trade and raise capital by breaking down traditional barriers, providing liquidity solutions and promoting transparency.

 As the Platform continues to grow and evolve, it promises to unlock even more opportunities for investors and companies, shaping the future of finance for the better.